Polarization into Catholic Traditionalism and Spiritually Awakening Intellectuality By R.Steiner

"Future polarization into Catholic traditionalism and spiritually awakening intellectuality"

(April 24, 1921)

"The nineteenth century as culmination in history of abstract spirituality and materialism since fourth century. Dogma and ritual. Formerly: life in the body that thus experienced cosmic spirituality; today: life in the spirit that turns to matter and fails to recognize itself. Different in Leibnitz's case. The power of comprehending spiritual scientific concepts that the modern intellect can create out of itself as possibility for transforming and enlivening of rigid and inwardly indolent intelligence. The three forms of indolence: neo-Catholicism, which preserves the old content in dogmas, Protestantism with its compromise between tradition and intellect, and enlightened intellectualism without spiritual content. Future polarization into Catholic traditionalism and spiritually awakening intellectuality."

From "Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy GA 204"
(Titles of each videos are NOT actual titles given by Rudolf Steiner)


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