Manly P. Hall: The Unknown can be Beautiful (re-mastered)

This lecture by Manly P. Hall, "The Unknown can be Beautiful: Mystery is an Attitude, Not a Fact", was recorded in front of a live audience in Los Angeles on August 30. 1964.

Fear of the unknown is one of the greatest fears we face. Mr. Hall dispels these fears and shows us how to embrace the unknown and the uncertain, in that contained within is something beautiful and useful.

1:04:25 Mr. Hall jokes about the Beatles, who had arrived in the USA just a few months earlier.

* This is a remastered and higher quality version of a previous upload *

We have improved our audio restoration equipment and techniques, so in the coming weeks, we will re-upload previously released Manly Hall lectures, which we feel are even better quality now for the listener.

The older version will stay up so the comments can remain in legacy here:

#mystery #unknown #manlyphall
©Manly Hall Society
Manly P. Hall
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