Alan Watts - Game of Yes and No - I

Alan Watts - Game of Yes and No - I

Is you is or is you ain’t?

the I Ching. I should just say then briefly, that the Book of Changes, is thought to be the oldest of the great Chinese classics , and to date from perhaps as early as 1300 B.C. Although perhaps the figures of which this classic is a discussion may be much earlier than that they may go back to the earliest phases of human thought, because I Ching really is the ground plan of the way in which the Chinese think and not only the Chinese. It’s almost a mapping of the thinking processes of man. And it may surprise you to know that the system of arithmetic, which is used by digital computers came from the I-Ching. We have a binary system of arithmetic, in which all numbers may be represented by 0 and 1 in various arrangements. Is you is or is you ain’t? So there’s a sudden unexpected link between the most sophisticated mathematical machinery and a book originating at least 1300 B.C..

Alan Watts - Game of Yes and No - I

#Game #Yes #No #Alan #Watts
Alan Watts
game, yes, no
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