Three Perspectives of Anthroposophy: by Rudolf Steiner

Three Perspectives of Anthroposophy: Cultural Phenomena from the Point of View of Spiritual Science CW 225, twelve lectures by Rudolf Steiner, held in Dornach between 5 May and 23 September, 1923. Translated by Elizabeth Marshall.

Lecture 1: The Nature of the Spiritual Crisis of the Nineteenth Century (Dornach, 5 May 1923)

Lecture 2: The Mystery of the Head and of the Lower Human Being (Dornach, 6 May 1923) - 0:41:39

Lecture 3: Cultural Phenomena (Dornach, 1 July 1923) - 1:12:32

Lecture 4: A Study of the Century from 1823 to 1923 (Dornach, 6 July 1923) - 1:59:33

Lecture 5: Community Building in Central Europe (Dornach, 7 July 1923) - 2:29:54

Lecture 6: European Culture and its Relationship to the Latin language; Greek and Roman Mysteries (Dornach, 8 July 1923) - 3:02:19

Lecture 7: The Gnostic Foundations of Pre-Christianity. Imagination of Europe (Dornach, 15 July 1923) - 3:34:54


Lecture 8: I. The Physical Perspective (Dornach, 20 July 1923) - 4:07:24

Lecture 9: II. The Soul Perspective (Dornach, 21 July 1923) - 4:42:42

Lecture 10: III. The Spiritual Perspective (Dornach, 22 July 1923) - 5:25:08

Lecture 11: The Dream World as a transition between the physical-natural world and the world of ethical considerations (Dornach, 22 September 1923) - 6:01:10

Lecture 12: Jakob Boehme, Paracelsus, Swedenborg (Dornach, 23 September 1923) - 6:34:37


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