The Human Spirit: Past and Present-Occult Fraternities and the Mystery of Golgotha By Rudolf Steiner

The Human Spirit: Past and Present - Occult Fraternities and the Mystery of Golgotha CW 167, twelve lectures given in Berlin between 13 February and 30 May 1916 by Rudolf Steiner. Translated by Matthew Barton.

Lecture 1: The Human Spirit Past and Present (Berlin, 13 February, 1916)
Lecture 2: The Human Soul and Spirit (Berlin, 7 March, 1916)
Lecture 3: Glimpses into the Deeper Impulses of History (Berlin, 28 March, 1916)
Lecture 4: Symbol, Handshake and Word (Berlin, 4 April, 1916)
Lecture 5: Humanity's Primordial Revelation (Berlin, 11 April, 1916)
Lecture 6: Easter Reflection (Berlin, 18 April, 1916)
Lecture 7: The Lies of Modern Life (Berlin, 25 April, 1916)
Lecture 8: Thomas More's Utopia (Berlin, 2 May, 1916)
Lecture 9: Rite and Symbol: The Jesuit State in Paraguay (Berlin, 9 May, 1916)
Lecture 10: The Powers that Oppose the Spirit. Fundamental Truths of Christianity (Berlin, 16 May, 1916)
Lecture 11: A Passage from the Jewish Haggadah (Berlin, 23 May, 1916)
Lecture 12: Homo economicus (Berlin, 30 May, 1916)

2. 0:48:38
3. 1:54:03
4. 2:51:11
5. 3:48:53
6. 5:12:51
7. 6:07:08
8. 6:59:57
9. 7:45:32
10. 8:42:53
11. 9:41:35
12. 10:34:56


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