Rudolf Steiner - The Mission of Folk Souls


The Mission of Folk Souls CW121, A cycle of eleven lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Held in Christiania (Oslo) from June 7 to 17, 1910. Translated by Johanna Collis. A 2023 reading of the New Collected Works Volume.

01. Special Note by the Publishing Company on Dr. Steiner's use of the word 'race' etc.

Lecture 1: Angels, Folk Spirits, Time Spirits: their part in the Evolution of Mankind (June 7, 1910) - 0:07:49
Lecture 2: Normal and abnormal Archangels and Time Spirits. The Spirits of Language and of Modes of Thought (June 8, 1910) - 1:00:56
Lecture 3: The inner life of the Folk Spirits. Formation of the Races (June 9, 1910) - 1:43:17
Lecture 4: The Evolution of Races and Civilization (June 10, 1910) - 2:25:48
Lecture 5: Manifestation of the Hierarchies in the Elements of Nature. The Mission of the planetary Epochs of Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon and Earth (June 11, 1910) - 3:08:29
Lecture 6: The five Root Races of Mankind (June 12, 1910, morning) - 3:51:16
Lecture 7: Advance of Folk Spirits to the Rank of Time Spirits. Monotheism and Pluralism. Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity (June 12, 1910, evening) - 4:29:46
Lecture 8: The five post-Atlantean Civilizations. Greek and Teutonic Mythology (June 14, 1910) - 5:06:45
Lecture 9: Loki, Hoedur and Baldur. Twilight of the Gods (June 15, 1910) - 5:46:48
Lecture 10: The Mission of individual Peoples and Cultures in the Past, Present and Future. Solovieff (June 16, 1910) - 6:29:52
Lecture 11: Nerthus, Freyja and Gerda. Twilight of the Gods. Vidar and the new Revelation of Christ (june 17, 1910) - 7:13:24

(Titles of individual videos in general not titles given by Rudolf Steiner)


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