Rudolf Steiner - Groups of Human Souls United by their Karma


(June 27, 1924)

"Groups of human souls united by their karma. The connection of events in Nature with the karma of humanity. The influence of karma upon external Nature in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and similar phenomena. Behind and through the workings of the Sun weave the Beings of the Second Hierarchy. The “Midnight Sun”.
From the world of the Second Hierarchy the Third Hierarchy rays on us during sleep through the traces of our thoughts left behind in the etheric body. Into the weaving and working of the Second Hierarchy there strikes the First Hierarchy. These two Hierarchies together are concerned with man's astral body and Ego. Initiation-vision in cult and ritual. “True ritual comes into existence as a copy of happenings in the spiritual world”."

From "Karmic Relationships Vol. 2 (CW 236)."

(Titles of individual videos in general not titles given by Rudolf Steiner)


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