Esoteric Lessons 1913-1923 Part II by Rudolf Steiner

Esoteric Lessons 1913-1923 CW 266 Volume 3 by Rudolf Steiner, from notes written from Memory by the Participants and Meditation Verses by Rudolf Steiner. Tranlated by Marsha Post. [I have partitioned the book into 10 sections of about 40 to 50 pages each in the reading]

Lecture 6: P. 235 to 280 (March 27 and April 14, 1914, Vienna to May 9, 1914, Kassel)
Lecture 7: P. 281 to 326 (June 3, 1914, Basel to September 30, 1923, Vienna) - 1:51:31
Lecture 8: Part III P. 329-363 Concerning the coming into being of the Esoteric Youth Group - 2:57:46
Lecture 9: P. 364 to 404 Notes around comments made by Dr. Steiner during the forming of the Esoteric Youth Group - 4:22:43
Lecture 10: P. 405 to 443 TEsoteric Lessons for the Youth Group (July 13, 1923, Stuttgart and December 30 1923, Dornach) Meditations and 3-part mantra - 6:11:40


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