Allen Watts - Art of Leadership (Taoist Philosophy of Emptiness)


Alan Watts explores the concept of governance and leadership through the lens of Taoist philosophy. He suggests that the best kind of ruler is one who operates "without mind," like a mirror that reflects but doesn't keep. The idea is to be empty, to operate in the world as if one were absent, and to have a heart without heart. Watts also discusses the idea that all moral preaching creates confusion, and highlights the story of a Chinese farmer who has an attitude of non-choosing and doesn't view things in terms of gain or loss. The student in the story practices this way of thinking for two years and eventually experiences a strange sensation of his body melting and becoming transparent. This is the "fasting of the heart" in Taoism. These ideas align with the themes of #meditation, #mindfulness, #enlightenment, #awareness, and #innerpeace. Through his lecture, Watts encourages us to awaken our #consciousness, cultivate #gratitude, and find #guidance from within for #selfdevelopment and #selfdiscovery. His teachings offer a wealth of #wisdom and #inspiration for anyone seeking #truth, #reality, and #ascension in their #life journey.

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Alan Watts was a British-American philosopher, writer, and speaker, who was best known for his popularization of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. He wrote over 25 books and delivered many lectures on topics such as the nature of reality, the relationship between the self and the universe, and the nature of enlightenment. He was a major influence on the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s and was considered one of the most important interpreters of Eastern philosophy for the modern Western audience. He passed away in 1973 but his work still resonates today and has a dedicated following.

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Alan Watts
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