What is the Gospel of Judas?


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Music by Filip Holm

Sources/Recomended Reading:

Asgeirsson, Jon (2005). "Thomasine Traditions in Antiquity The Social and Cultural World of the Gospel of Thomas". Brill.

Brakke, David (2012). "Gnostics: Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Christianity". Harvard University Press.

Carlson, Stephen C. (2014). "Origen's use of the Gospel of Thomas". Uppsala University.

King, Karen (2003). "What is Gnosticism?". Harvard University Press.

Van den Broek, Roelof (2013). "Gnostic Religion in Antiquity". Cambridge University Press.

Meyer, Marvin (ed.) (2009). "The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume ". HarperOne.

Meyer, Marvin & Harold Bloom (1993). "The Gospel of St Thomas: The hidden sayings of Jesus". Bravo Ltd.

#gospelofjudas #gnosticism #christianity

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