U.G. Krishnamurti - Is Meditation the Way for Enlightenment?


U.G. Krishnamurti puts Question Mark on All the Value System Exists in Society and All Tradition of past Generation. Thought is DEAD. We have invested a lot of Time in Becoming Something. Culture is interested in putting everybody in Common mode but Human are UNIQUE, no Xerox copy of any Human Available as nature produces Unique individuals. Demand For Permanent pleasure is cause of mans MISERY.
The Last words of all to KNOW about everything that EXISTS. UG had such a depth that he called as ANTI GURU. UG Krishnamurti clears all the doubts about Life, Death, mind existence, purpose of life, what is life , enlightenment . Is there is supreme soul...
UG says -most useful in understanding existence. UG says, There is no mind but there is world mind.mind is a computer Trained from birth such that what it acquires becomes part of world mind.
There is no independent thinking by MIND.

U.G. Krishnamurti
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