This CIA's Classified Experiment Proves Manifestation Is REAL!


In 1983, a document known as "Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process" was authored by Wayne M McDonnell, a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. McDonnell defined the Gateway Experience as a structured regimen aimed at amplifying the power, concentration, and synchronization of brainwave emissions between the left and right brain hemispheres. This process is meant to shift consciousness beyond the confines of physical reality, eventually transcending even the boundaries of time and space.

Put more simply, the Gateway Experience employs auditory stimulation to regulate brainwave activity, striving to produce an altered state of consciousness. In this state, individuals can interface with non-tangible dimensions of reality.

As per the CIA document, the technique's practical applications are wide-ranging. They encompass the realization of objectives, the transformation of energy for self-healing, and even the capability to traverse time and space in order to gather new information.

★★ How the CIA Tried to Control Minds -

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★ Background music and binaural beats frequency created by Sync Mind Team.
► Footage licensed through Videoblocks, Filmpac, Artgrid, and Envato Elements
★ Argument/Narration: Sync Mind Team
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