Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation by Rudolf Steiner

Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation CW 233a Mystery Centers of the Middle Ages; The Easter Festival and the history of the Mysteries, 10 lectures by Rudolf Steiner, given in Dornach between 4-13 January and 19-22 April 1924. Translated by Mary Adams and Frederick Amrine.

Lecture 1: Dornach, January 4, 1924
Lecture 2: Dornach, January 5, 1924 - 0:37:35
Lecture 3: Dornach, January 6, 1924 - 1:13:01
Lecture 4: Dornach, January 11, 1924 - 1:47:32
Lecture 5: Dornach, January 12, 1924 - 2:19:22
Lecture 6: Dornach, January 13, 1924 - 2:51:36
Lecture 7: Dornach, April 19, 1924 - 3:34:10
Lecture 8: Dornach, April 20, 1924 - 4:08:34
Lecture 9: Dornach, April 21, 1924 - 4:56:27
Lecture 10: Dornach, April 22, 1924 - 5:33:25

(Titles of individual videos in general not titles given by Rudolf Steiner)


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