Rudolf Steiner - Results of Spiritual Research (Part 1)


Results of Spiritual Research CW 62, a winter cycle of fourteen public lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Given in the Architektenhaus, Berlin, between 31 October 1912 and 10 April 1913. Translated by Simon Blaxland-DeLange.

Lecture 1. How Is Spiritual Science Refuted? (Berlin, 31 October 1912)
Lecture 2. On What Foundation Is Spiritual Science Based? (Berlin, 7 November 1912) - 1:16:41
Lecture 3. The Tasks of Spiritual Research for both Present and Future (Berlin, 14 November 1912) - 2:36:00
Lecture 4. The Paths of Supersensible Knowledge (Berlin, 21 November 1912) - 3:45:00
Lecture 5. Results of Spiritual Research for Vital Questions and the Riddle of Death (Berlin, 5 December 1912) - 4:53:40
Lecture 6. Natural Science and Spiritual Research (Berlin, 12 December 1912) - 6:04:46
Lecture 7. Jacob Boehme (Berlin, 9 January 1913) - 7:16:15

(Titles of individual videos in general not titles given by Rudolf Steiner)


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