Ramana Maharshi "Talks" From "The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi In His Own Words" (Playlist)


In this Book Arthur osborne has succeeded in presenting in a brief compass the essential teachings of the Maharshi,through a process of selection from his dialogues and written works.The matter has been classified under distinct subjects.This Book fulfills the need for a short,reliable compendium of Sri Bhagawan's instructions--which in earlier years were available mostly in the form of jottings.The notes of the author are of great value. Ever since it was published in the year 1996 the book's demand is so great that it has been re-printed eleven times within four years!

This companion volume to Ramana Maharshi and the Path to Self Knowledge contains many of his actual conversations with those who sought his guidance. It covers the whole religious and spiritual field from basic theories about God and the nature of human beings, to advice about the conduct of our daily lives.

Ramana Maharshi
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