Florence Scovel Shinn - How To Use Your Power To Attract A Specific Person


Every man on this planet is taking his initiation in love. “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another.” Ouspensky states, in “Tertium Organum,” that “love is a cosmic phenomenon,” and opens to man the fourth dimensional world, “The World of the Wondrous.”

Real love is selfless and free from fear. It pours itself out upon the object of its affection, without demanding any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the universe. Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand.

Scarcely anyone has the faintest conception of real love. Man is selfish, tyrannical or fearful in his affections, thereby losing the thing he loves. Jealousy is the worst enemy of love, for the imagination runs riot, seeing the loved one attracted to another, and invariably these fears objectify if they are not neutralized.

For example: A woman came to me in deep distress. The man she loved had left her for other women, and said he never intended to marry her. She was torn with jealousy and resentment and said she hoped he would suffer as he had made her suffer; and added, “How could he leave me when I loved him so much?”

I replied, “You are not loving that man, you are hating him,” and added, “You can never receive what you have never given. Give a perfect love and you will receive a perfect love. Perfect yourself on this man. Give him a perfect, unselfish love, demanding nothing in return. Do not criticize or condemn, and bless him wherever his is.” She replied, “No, I won’t bless him unless I know where he is!” she said.

“Well,” I said, “that is not real love.”

Florence Scovel Shinn (September 24, 1871 in Camden, New Jersey – October 17, 1940) was an American artist and book illustrator who became a New Thought spiritual teacher and metaphysical writer in her middle years.[1][2] In New Thought circles, she is best known for her first book, The Game of Life and How to Play It (1925).

Shinn expressed her philosophy as:
The invisible forces are ever working for man who is always ‘pulling the strings’ himself, though he does not know it. Owing to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices, he begins to attract.

The Game of Life, Florence Scovel Shinn

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