Dr. Rupert Sheldrake - The mystery of Consciousness (Beyond the Brain, with Graham Hancock)


Consciousness – we all have it, yet it’s one of the greatest mysteries of science. Exactly what it is, how it works, what it’s for, and what its implications are for our understanding of “reality”, remain matters of speculation, not of fact. In this dialogue, originally recorded for the Beyond the Brain conference series (https://scientificandmedical.net/beyond-the-brain/) author Graham Hancock and biologist Rupert Sheldrake (https://www.sheldrake.org/) offer some food for thought. For background on the censoring of Graham’s and Rupert’s TEDx talks, and links to the original uncensored talks, see here: https://grahamhancock.com/ted-war-on-consciousness-hancock/. VISIONARY, the new edition of Graham Hancock’s book on the mystery of consciousness (formerly titled Supernatural) is published in the United States on 4th April 2022. To get a sense of the wide variety of issues explored in VISIONARY check out Chapter Nineteen, free to read online here: https://en.calameo.com/read/005570974a901bbba9d97. And note, whereas the audiobook of Supernatural was read by a third-party narrator, the audiobook of VISIONARY is narrated by Graham Hancock himself. In some ways – to be welcomed – we are reinventing the ancient tradition of storytelling around the campfire, and with this in mind Graham hopes to launch his new podcast in 2022. Subscribe to this channel to be notified.

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