Alan Watts - Sense of Nonsense

Alan's talk on Sense of Things (Tao of Philosophy - 02)

It’s very commonly said that the root of most human unhappiness is the sense that one’s life has no meaning.

What is it that we want in love with a person, and even a person in the sense of the Lord God? What is the content of it? What is it that we are really yearning after?

Why do we love nonsense?

Why is it that all those old English songs are full of “Fal-de-riddle-eye-do” and “Hey nonny-nonny” and all those babbling choruses? Why is it that when we get “hep” with jazz we just go “Boody-boody-boop-de-boo” and so on, and enjoy ourselves swinging it?

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Alan Watts
alan, alan watts, Sense of Nonsense
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