The Secret Principle Of Sex According To The Rosicrucians - Magus Incognito


The principle of sex according to the Rosicrucians, as explained by Magus Incognito is rooted in the notion of the Universal Androgyne or Bisexual Universal Being.

This concept suggests that the original source of all creation is a dual-natured entity, embodying both male and female qualities. The Rosicrucians view this union of masculine and feminine aspects as essential to the process of creation and manifestation in all planes of existence, from the physical to the spiritual.

They describe the Universe itself as inherently bisexual, where every aspect of creation is a result of the interplay between these two fundamental principles.

This philosophy contrasts sharply with more materialistic views, presenting a mystical understanding of sex as a profound and universal force that drives all change, growth, and diversity in the cosmos.

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