The Founding of the Waldorf School as a “ceremony in Cosmic Order ” By Rudolf Steiner

From "The Foundations of Human Experience (formerly, The Study of Man) (GA 293)"

The Waldorf School as a cultural deed. The Waldorf School as a unified
school. The necessity of making compromises. Schools and politics.
Bolshevik schools as the grave of teaching. A republican administration
of the school. The composition of the pedagogical course: general
pedagogy, methodology, practice. The Waldorf school is not a parochial
school. The relationship of Anthroposophy to instruction. Religious
instruction. Necessary characteristics of teachers: interest in world
events, enthusiasm, flexibility of spirit and devotion to the task.

The moral-spiritual aspect of teaching. The founding of the Waldorf
School as a “ceremony in Cosmic Order.” The question of immortality
as an example of the relationship of modern culture to human egotism.
Education as a continuation of “what higher beings have done before
birth.” Concerning the problem of “prenatal education.” The connection
of the two doubled trinities upon entering Earthly existence? Spirit
Human, Life Spirit, Spirit Self and Consciousness Soul, Comprehension
Soul, Sentient Soul? with the astral, ether and physical bodies and the
animal, plant and mineral kingdoms (temporal body). The task of the
teacher is to harmonize the spirit soul with the temporal body through 1)
harmonizing the breathing with the nerve-sense process; 2) teaching the
proper rhythm between waking and sleeping. The importance of the
inner spiritual relationship between teacher and child.


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