What is Daoism?


One of the main religious traditions in China - Daoism - is the subject of this video. We go deep into the origins, main writings and later development of the religion, and its connection to other traditions.

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A special thank you to Bertrand Linet who generously allowed me to use his footage in this video. Link to his original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyBwHOpfXMc
Also follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bertrandlinet/

Other videos used:

The Winged Ward: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K29M58ZbmI
Jee Sifu Taoism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMPUacFseaM
Oxlaey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNtaooKmJpE
Tai Chi video by "Videvo"

Sources/Further Reading:

Komjathy, Louis (2013). "The Daoist Tradition: An Introduction". Bloomsbury Academic.

Lao Tzu (2013). "Tao Te Ching - A New Translation. Translated by William Scott Wilson. Shambala Publications. Hackett Publishing Co, Inc.

Zhuangzi (2008). "Zhuangzi - The Essential Texts: With Translations from Traditional Commentaries". Translated by Brook Ziporyn.

#Daoism #Laozi #EasternPhilosophy

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