Thich Nhat Hanh - The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now


Thich Nhat Hanh presents, for the first time, seven transformative meditations that open up new perspectives on our lives, our relationships and our interconnectedness with the world around us. Based on the last full talks before his sudden hospitalization, and drawing on intimate examples from his own life, Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how these seven meditations can free us to live a happy, peaceful and active life, and face aging and dying with curiosity and joy and without fear.

0:00:46 Foreword by Sister Chang
0:04:40 Introduction
0:15:17 Stillness
0:16:41 Practice: The Art of Breathing
0:19:11 Chapter 1: Emptiness : The wonder of Interbeing
1:08:25 Chapter 2: Signlessness: A Cloud Never Dies
02:08:43 Chapter 3: Aimlessness: Resting in God
02:55:44 Chapter 4: Impermanence: Now is the time
03:25:49 Chapter 5: Non Craving: You have enough
04:02:14 Chapter 6: Letting Go: Transformation and Healing
04:28:11 Chapter 7: Nirvana is now
04:42:04 Conclusion
04:52:53 Afterword

If you enjoy this upload, you can download the audiobook of ‘Peace is Every Step' by Thich Nhat Hanh through amazon with a FREE Audible trial here:

You can download the audiobook of 'No Death, No Fear' by Thich Nhat Hanh through amazon with a FREE Audible Trial here:

You can download the audiobook of ‘Reconciliation’ by Thich Nhat Hanh through amazon with a FREE Audible Trial here:

You can download the audiobook of 'Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm' by Thich Nhat Hanh through amazon with a FREE Audible Trial here:

You can download the audiobook of’ The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now' by Thich Nhat Hanh through amazon with a FREE Audible Trial here:


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