Ram Dass - Living in the Paradox of Consciousness (Full Lecture 1975)


Ram Dass describes the levels the Western mind has to go through to move beyond rational thought, and accept that other planes of reality are just as real as the physical plane. Then, and only then, can we give up who we thought we were and accept who we truly are. In you is everything you need to be a fully enlightened being. He also describes the processes one goes through when they surrender to God. From feeling the pull of God, to understanding the paradox of consciousness, Ram Dass walks the audience through the stages of the evolution of awakening. In seeking liberation, we must look toward God, but also honor our incarnation and relieve suffering on the physical plane. Please click the following link for additional teachings on Awakening:


Photos: Rameshwar Das

Recorded in Martha's Vineyard, MA on August 16, 1975.


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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Ram Dass
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